In the News


Big Picture Science (May 2015), The Evolution of Evolution: Richard Francis / Domestication

NPR/WNYC, The Leonard Lopate Show (July 2011) Richard Francis discusses the new field of epigenetics

Groks Science Radio Show, Richard Francis explains Why Men Won’t Ask for Directions

Klein, Julia M. (August 18, 2011) Richard C. Francis Explains How ‘Epigenetics’ Affects Gene Behavior–A Promise of New Treatments for some major diseases. AARP Bulletin

KKZZ AM 1400 on Brainstormin’ with Bill Frank  July 26, 2011



Hesman Saey, Tina (October 8, 2011).  Book Review. Science News  Vol. 180 #8 (p.30)

Kenneally, Chiristine (June 20, 2011). Goodbye, Genetic Blueprint: What the field of epigenetics reveals about how DNA really works. Slate

Klein, Julia M. (June 21, 2011).  Mixing Nature and Nurture. Obit Magazine

Rothman, Josh (July 19, 2011) Nature v. Nurture: Solved? Brainiac-The Boston Globe

Segerstrale, Ullica (2005). The Seductions of Criticism, Embo Reports 6,12.

Shulevitz, Judith (August 18, 2011). Lamarck’s Revenge. The New Republic